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Common Sense Astrology

Astronomical Clock

Have you ever known a person, be it a relative, neighbor, class-mate, best friend, partner, one you felt safe sharing with, without hesitation? Yea, that’s me! I have lived a lifetime of others telling me I am that person! Beth W. here I am an intuitive who loves to read and interpret astrology charts and numbers.


In my career, I have a developed knack for navigating through charts and numbers with grace and understanding, and in a clear, concise and no BS manner. As a heads up - and ear muffs for the kids - I can swear. I will get right to the point and be very matter of fact with you. At the same time, I am guided by my soft side, aka intuition/gut/heart/spirit.


It is not uncommon for me to receive a “Holy Shit Beth!” response to an “AH-HA!!!” moment during a reading. It’s important to know that along with these reactions,, I hold space to listen and encourage you to communicate with me. It’s also important to know that you can share and feel safe. WE go from there.

 It’s best we start with a natal (moment of birth) reading, to answer the Why? Who? What?

 The How? When? Where? and With Who? Are separate, sequential readings.


If we are performing a With Who? (relationship) reading, and for integrity sake, the other person should be present (in-person or virtually) and be able to participate. If we are undergoing a relationship reading and you want to know more about your partner and they are not present, I can only speak in very general terms.  

PLEASE know this, I truly love everyone…though I like dogs just a tiny bit more. That says it all.

Come with an open mind, an open heart, or at least a mind or heart that’s willing to be opened and let’s get real as we talk through your reading and walk through your life path.

Zodiac Chart




Individual Birth Chart
Natal Reading

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Relationship Readings

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Birthday / Solar Return Reading

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Robb Walters

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